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The Way We Live Affects the Way We Play Golf

With today’s modern lifestyle of sitting, whether behind the desk or on the couch watching TV, many golfers don’t possess enough strength or flexibility to perform a fundamental golf swing, and consequently end up with poor posture.  In my opinion, it’s very hard to play good golf with poor posture, and I believe that the most neglected aspect of physical training and golf instruction is…

With today’s modern lifestyle of sitting, whether behind the desk or on the couch watching TV, many golfers don’t possess enough strength or flexibility to perform a fundamental golf swing, and consequently end up with poor posture.  In my opinion, it’s very hard to play good golf with poor posture, and I believe that the most neglected aspect of physical training and golf instruction is analyzing an individual’s posture.  

For example, when you see a person with forward head and rounded shoulders, that person invariably has muscle tightness and restrictions in the back and chest muscles – thus inhibiting a functional hip and shoulder turn.

To restore a person back into proper alignment, I believe that in most cases, a proper flexibility program must be administered first– then followed by a strengthening protocol.  In too many cases, I see people get on strengthening programs first – which often simply ‘Strengthens their Dysfunction’ and often leads to more injuries and worse golf.


FIRST THING in the morning, stand against a wall for 2 – 3 minutes with a 4-6 inch rolled up towel behind your lower back.  This will start the process of training your body to find its’ natural design.  Repeat this process before you go to bed.

These are simple things to do Off the course, which will certainly help your